By Peter Weis@PeterVicey

Löw holds firm on Müller, Hummels and Boateng: 'We cannot reverse course now'

One doesn't expect the calls to reinstate Thomas Müller, Jerome Boateng, and Mats Hummels to the German national team to subside anytime soon. 

In an interview with German footballing magazine Kicker, Bundestrainer Löw remained adamant that his 2018 decision to plan without the trio remains firm. 
Joachim Löw declined to leave open the door for a potential return of the veterans he controversially excluded from his selection pool after the 2018 World Cup group stage exit. Löw merely stated that a slew of injuries to key players on his current team might compel him to "consider alternate scenarios." 

Such a occurrence isn't very likely. Löw retains so many preferred players at the positions of Müller, Hummels, and Boateng that it would take an unprecedented loss for him to mull over changing his course.

"We have decided not to call up these players as a matter of foundational principle," Löw told the magazine, "We cannot reverse course now. Nothing has changed in this respect."

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