Report: Götze to Hertha negotiations still ongoing
For German Bundesliga clubs, the transfer deadline has come and gone. Of course, that occurrence does not preclude clubs from signing unattached free agents.
German footballing magazine Kicker reports there remains movement in regard to a specific player without a current team.
German footballing magazine Kicker reports there remains movement in regard to a specific player without a current team.

Mario Götze. | Photo: Danilo Borges/ 3.0 |
An influx of money from investor Lars Windhorst renders Hertha BSC perhaps the most ambitious club in the Bundesliga. Germany's capital city club has never been a dominant domestic force, never winning the modern Meisterschale and actually being relegated to the second division twice in the last ten years.
Changes are afoot in "Dickes B" as the new set of investors and administrators seek to turn die alte Dame into a global brand on par with Dortmund and Bayern. Though a signing of Götze may not necessarily lead to a starting position, the symbolism of bringing in 2014's World Championship winning goal-scorer would be undeniable.
Götze has failed to engender the interest of many large clubs following his outright release from Dortmund at the end of last season. Though the talented offensive midfielder remains only 28 years-of-age, it appears that his struggles with a metabolic disorder leave many clubs squeamish about making a commitment.
Götze has still managed to put up numbers since his myopathy was revealed in 2017. He tallied twelve times in 87 appearances during his final three years at Dortmund. Observable fitness issues nevertheless persisted and it was decided fairly early that the BVB would not renew his contract.
Kicker reports that negotiations between Hertha and Götze are ongoing. The former German national team star has said publicly that he is willing to take a large payout in exchange for the privilege of suiting up again.