By Peter Weis@PeterVicey

Kicker Report: Augsburg hope to shed Tanganga and Winther while keeping Beljo

In an article published on Kicker Magazine's website, German footballing journalist Frank Linkesch writes that FC Augsburg will be looking to shed an additional two center backs in the coming January transfer window. 

Linkesch also contacted FCA sporting director Marinko Jurendic for comment on the status of Croatian striker Dion Drena Beljo. Jurendic insisted that he and his front-office team wished to keep the 21-year-old, even if his playing time has been drastically reduced. 
In addition to a loan-out for the under-used Patric Pfeiffer, FC Augsburg are said to be weighing their options as pertains to two more central defenders on their current roster. Tottenham loanee Japhet Tanganga - who has as of yet not logged any minutes for his German club - may very likely be headed back to his EPL side via an early termination of the loan agreement. Danish center-half Frederik Winther - also un-used this year - could be on his way out.

Augsburg's roster currently features seven central defenders. New FCA trainer Jess Thorup's back-four places Felix Uduokhai and Jefferey Gouweleeuw highest on the depth chart. In the event of injury or suspension, the Danish head-coach favors Germany U21 international Maximilian Bauer. Tanganga's arrangement can be easily rescinded. Winther has already been loaned back out to his native Denmark twice.

German journalist Frank Linkesch of Kicker Magazine, from whom this information comes, also contacted FCA sporting director Marinko Jurendic for comment on another portion of Augsburg's roster thought to be in need of some trimming. The Fuggerstädter are deeply stacked with too many central defenders and center forwards. Striker Dion Drella Beljo, after losing his starting place, is an obvious candidate to be moved.

Jurendic emphasized to Linkesch that the club still wished to keep Beljo even if the Croatian international has logged only 13 minutes off the bench in five minutes under his new head-coach. The cub administrator insisted that he and his team "totally believed in Dion's quality". The 21-year-old did score two league goals and pocket an assist in seven appearances (four starts) under Thorup's predecessor Enrico Maaßen.

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