Europe: European Championship
5 - 1
(3 - 0)
F. Wirtz (10), J. Musiala (19), K. Havertz (45), N. Füllkrug (68), A. Rüdiger (87), E. Can (90)
R. Porteous (44)
By Rune Gjerulff@runegjerulff

Euro 2024 set piece takers

Looking for Euro 2024 Fantasy Football tips? Here are the penalty, free kick and corner kick takers for each team playing at Euro 2024.
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As the European Championship in Germany approaches, many will be interested to see how the teams will line up and who will be taking the set pieces.

Fantasy Euro 2024 Football players looking for tips may be particularly interested in this, as being on set pieces is a good foundation for goal involvement.

In the list below, which will be updated until the start of the tournament, we take a look at each team's penalty, free kick and corner kick takers.

Euro 2024 set piece takers

CountryPenaltiesFree kicksCorners
ALBANIABajramiBajrami, AsaniBajrami, Asani
AUSTRIASabitzerSabitzer, WimmerSabitzer, Wimmer
BELGIUMLukakude Bruyne, Trossardde Bruyne, Trossard
CROATIAModricModric, PerisicModric, Perisic
CZECH REPUBLICSchickBarak, HlozekCerny, Provod, Holes
DENMARKEriksenEriksenEriksen, Jensen
ENGLANDKaneFoden, Alexander-Arnold, TrippierRice, Alexander-Arnold
FRANCEMbappeGriezmannGriezmann, Mbappe
GEORGIAMikautadze, KvaratskheliaKvaratskheliaKvaratskhelia, Chakvetadze
GERMANYGündoganKroos, SanéKroos, Kimmich
NETHERLANDSDepay, van DijkVeerman, GakpoVeerman, Gakpo
ITALYJorginho, Pellegrini, ScamaccaDimarco, BarellaDimarco, Barella
POLANDLewandowski, ZielinskiLewandowski, ZielinskiZielinski, Zalewski
ROMANIAStanciuStanciu, R. MarinStanciu, R. Marin
SCOTLANDMcGinn, ChristieRobertson, McGinn, ChristieRobertson, McGinn
SERBIAMitrovic, Vlahovic, TadicTadic, KosticTadic, Kostic
SLOVAKIADudaDuda, BenesBenes, Haraslin
SPAINMorata, RodriGrimaldo, OlmoGrimaldo, Nico Williams
SWITZERLANDShaqiri, XhakaShaqiri, XhakaShaqiri, Xhaka, Vargas
UKRAINEDovbyk, SudakovMudryk, TsygankovMudryk, Tsygankov

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