By Peter Weis@PeterVicey

DFB Hygiene Task Force criticizes Bayern/Schalke board members and issues warning to Frankfurt

The German Bundesrepublik prepares for another weekend of live football with live spectators. On Wednesday, the administrative arm responsible for overseeing Hygiene rules are observed took time to address two violations from last weekend.
Many football watchers across the German Bundesrepublik expressed outrage at what they perceived as flagrant hypocrisy on display in the Bayern bleachers last Friday evening. Hours after announcing that some 7,500 fans would be permitted through the Allianz Arena turnstiles to watch their club play against Schalke in the season opener, Bavarian public officials compelled the club to reverse course and play the match behind closed doors.

This false signal might have found more widespread acceptance among the German public had it not been for images of Bayern and Schalke administrators sitting closely grouped together in the directors' box. Schalke and Bayern officials sat directly next to each other unmasked. Bayern board member Uli Hoeneß sat beside his invited guest, controversial ousted Schalke chairman Clemens Tönnies. Both were unmasked.

The DFB officially admonished board members of both clubs on Wednesday for a "direct violation of the DFL Hygiene Concept." For now, there will be no actual consequences. The statement served merely as a warning that such behavior will not be tolerated in future fixtures.

Eintracht Frankfurt also received admonishment on Wednesday after it was discovered that two SGE players had brought their children into the locker room prior to kickoff in the 1-1 draw with Bielefeld. Again, the DFB Hygiene Control Committee merely issued a warning.

These two violations were the only ones noted over the course of the Bundesliga's opening weekend; one that saw some fans allowed in to attend seven of the nine played fixtures. All nine clubs preparing to host fixtures this weekend continue to work on concepts that adhere to the Bundesrepublik's newly furnished 20-percent-capacity rule for public venues.

As was the case last week, a comprehensive article detailing all the plans will appear tomorrow on Bulinews.

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